Lead coaching

Sometimes, organisations may wish to undertake an international programme of coaching involving several coaching companies. There can then be a need for a lead coach to:

Bullet pointAdd consistency to the entire programme and ensure it runs smoothly

Bullet pointHelp individual client contacts round the world understand the true scope and purpose of coaching, and what should be expected of individual coaches

Bullet pointHelp clients make better decisions about matching coaches to individuals

Bullet pointHelp coaches understand the client, its culture and expectations, better

Pitkeathley is already playing the role of lead coach in a major global training programme for a large FTSE 100 company.

Open quoteAs lead coach, Bill's ability to explain the value
of coaching to our CEO and others created comfort in
and enthusiasm for the process.Close quote

Alice Heezen

Group Management Development Manager, Rexam plc

Full quote

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Lead coaching
What Pitkeathley and Partners do, in a nutshell: Coaching high achievers


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